This is a DEMO environment. All data is randomly generated and will be destroyed periodically. Play around freely. Don't enter personal information. For actual services visit elxsy
Let's walk over the basics quickly!
1. You have created this budget anonymously, only way to access this budget is to save, copy, bookmark this page's url. Please keep it well as if you lose it, you won't get it back!. You can still share the url with people to collaborate on one budget together! Best use case sharing a budget with your partner, flatmates or work partners.
2. This is your Dashboard. This page will show you the snapshot summary of current month, income, expense totals, over the budget spending and upcoming expenses. Once you have some data this guidance message will disappear :)
3. Let's start by going into Categories and define spending, income categories with spending targets as well as a color to represent that category in the reporting and charts.
4. Now we can head to Transactions to enter income or expenses :) *This intro might disappear
* Recurring is where you can setup regular income or expenses that happen every N amount of [days, weeks, months or years]. Elxsy will add those automatically for you into your budget when the due date arrives.
* Reports is where you can deep dive into your data with summary, aggregate charts and tables over given windows of time. You can see how much money you spend on your 'coffee' annually in __pretty__ graphs.
* Settings is where you can change the name and currency of your budget. When we add new features and some configuration options available to you, that's where you can find them :)
You can always check the service page for this information and ask any questions, put forward recommendations you have in the forums.
This is a DEMO environment. All data is randomly generated and will be destroyed periodically. Play around freely. Don't enter personal information. For actual services visit elxsy